Petanca is a Spanish ball-game similar to the French game of Boules. Read the rules (below) to see how easy a game it is to play, our players use a couple of small adaptations on the official rules (as marked in italics).
We meet twice weekly in Bellreguard – (down behind Bellreguard Playa) on Mondays and Fridays. The players meet all year round regardless of weather, except for rain which unfortunately does stop play.
Meet at 2.15 for a 2.30 start, the games continue for a couple of hours.
For more information ask Ron and Jean 96 280 0423.
Boules is played on a pitch of hard-packed sand or gravel. measuring at least 2 metres wide by 12 metres long, larger if possible. The version of the game most commonly played is known as petanque or petanca (in Spanish) as described below:
1 The game is a contest between two teams of 1, 2 or 3 players (singles, doubles or triples). In singles and doubles each player has 3 boules, in triples only 2, so that there are never more than 12 boules in use in a game.
2 Players use metal boules with a diameter of 70 - 80 mm and a maximum weight of 800 grams. The marker ball or jack as it is known, is made of wood and measures 25 - 30 mm.
3 A coin is tossed to determine which team starts. A member of the team which starts first chooses the starting point and marks out a circle 35 - 50 cm in diameter on the ground. Both feel most be inside the circle when throwing the boule and remain there until the boule has landed.
GASC variation: One boule from each team together with the jack is thrown into the air and the boule landing nearest the jack is the team who start, from whichever end they decide. (see below)
4 The same player throws the jack about 6 – 10 metres. The jack: must land so that it is at least 1 metre from any obstacle.
5. The same player then throws the first boule, placing it as close as possible to the jack.
6. A player from the opposing team then steps into the circle and tries to throw his / her boule so that it lands closer to the jack than the opponent's boule. Of strikes the opponent's boule and knocks it away. The player or team with a boule nearest to the jack: is the leading team.
7. One by one the players in the team which is not leading then throw one boule each until one of their boules lands closer to the jack than their opponent’s boule, Play then switches to the other team, and so on.
8. When all the boules from both the teams have been
played, the round is complete and it is time to count the points. A team
receives one point for each boule closer to the jack than anyboule of
the opposing team. Striking the jack does not give any bonus points.
9. A player from the winning team marks out a new circle on the spot occupied by the jack and throws the jack 6 - 10 metres to begin another round. Play continues until one team has accumulated 15 points (Editor’s note: I think)
GASC variation: A circle is drawn at each end of the pitch and play starts alternately from these. (not from where the jack landed in the previous round).
Full rules available from the Petanque Association (BPA) or the Federation of petanque USA (FPUSA)